Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tool # 7 Poetry Project

Last year during the fourth nine weeks period second graders consume and produce poetry in Spanish. We took some poems from different online sources from around the world, some from Spain and a few others from Mexico, resulting in a fun reading/writing experience, especially for the vocabulary differences. It would be a good idea to collaborate & present poesy through Skype in real time along with another Spanish speaking class.

Topics could be alike considering similarities between curriculums and related to other subjects for example Plants (science) or Heroes (Social Studies). Ideas brainstorming/discussion would be important as part of the development of the project. A whole class introduction is necessary, however individual communication using personal devices (like IPods) is ideal to achieve a closer collaboration.

In general, this represents a challenging multidisciplinary project, however it ‘s been demonstrated that most of the times kids are talented using technology and we tend to underestimate their actual skills.


  1. This sounds like something your kids will love! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help make it happen for you!

  2. Thanks Melanie!
    I know I always can trust on you to achieve my tech goals.
